Cargo Consignment from KM Group of Companies
Cargo consignment is a profitable solution for any company. Partial customs clearance of goods makes it possible to bring a large batch of goods without paying for the whole procedure of customs clearance at one time. The consignment in Ukraine works on the principle of partial customs clearance. Say you imported into the country 10 tons of goods. To save yourself from unnecessary expenses and not to expose the business to additional risks, it will be reasonable to clear a part of, for example, 2 tons, then sell it and carry out the customs clearance of the cargo’s next part. Thus, by not selling the entire volume of imported cargo, you eliminate the risk of overpayment for customs clearance. KM Group of Companies will be pleased to provide a consignment service, while safely storing and securing all remnants of your cargo around the clock in the territory of the modern Customs Warehouse, equipped with all the necessary systems.